
Sunday, April 23, 2006

Born of the Spirit April 24


Jesus, enable us, your servants, to speak your word with all boldness, where ever you want us to share your Works. You make the wind blow where it wills. Help us to hear the message that comes to us on the wings of your divine wind. In the spirit of Nicodemus, help us, dear Jesus, to accomplish your apostolic action without hesitation, fear or concern. Help us to believe even though, unlike Thomas, we have not seem. Amen.


Today, we encounter Jesus early in His ministry teaching Nicodemus under cover of darkness. What we have here is the original prophesy of Jesus requiring leaders to be born in the spirit amplifying the teaching from Sunday when the disciples were born of the spirit after the Resurrection. Nicodemus also learns from Jesus that “the wind blows where it will” just like Jesus entered the locked upper room and breathed on the disciples with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit at His own will.

Nicodemus was probably a member of the Sanhedrin. He tries to take Jesus’ teaching literally and when doing so, finds that it doesn’t make sense. Nicodemus is like the reverse Thomas. Nicodemus is told the teaching but can’t accept it until he gets to know Jesus better.

Ironically, Jesus appears as a stranger after the Resurrection and people slowly come to the realization of His true identity. Jesus’ teachings appear difficult to comprehend and after the Resurrection comes to pass, the teachings make much more sense.

Through encounters with Christ, people have continuing “epiphanies” when they recognize the Messiah in the face of others. In the case of Nicodemus, we can’t be sure exactly when the light went off in his brain but by the end of Good Friday, that light went off and Nicodemus was ministering with Joseph to bury the dead body left behind by Jesus.

So while we may celebrate Epiphany Sunday in January, these realizations happen throughout the Gospels to many others beyond the Three Kings.

Why would the Church put this reading today? It does not sequentially follow the Easter story. However, it does amplify the theme people reacting in faith without evidence. Although Nicodemus did not react in faith right away…he did come around publicly before the Eleven unlocked the doors. Unlike Thomas, Nicodemus did not need to put his hands in Jesus side to believe. He was engaged in his Cursillo action on Good Friday while the disciples were still locked away as he helped bury the dead.


When did you last have an Epiphany and recognize Jesus in the world?

How do you respond to little “ephiphanies” that the Lord sends to you?

Do you listen with obedience in faith to these messages from the Lord? Or do you ignore them during NBA playoff season? Or until after the Stanley Cup or World Cup? Or until after the bills are paid or the dishes washed?

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