
Friday, April 21, 2006

Jump in! The Water of Life is great! April 21


Jesus, please seek us out in the business of our daily lives. Whether we are fishing or building, teaching or preaching, we need your support to survive. We long to have breakfast with you.

Please bless our work with whatever fruitfulness and just rewards you deem fit to reveal to us. Transform our hearts and minds so that we recognize you and your uplifting spirit in our lives.

Despite our attempts to recede into our “comfort zone,” help us to be fishers of women and men both in the places familiar in our lives as well in the new Kingdom where you want us to work out of your boat, Lord.

Through the close moments we have with you, please keep our hearts open so we can always enjoy an intimate breakfast with you and, like Peter, jump feet first into whatever task you ask us to complete. Amen.


How will you respond when Jesus invites you to breakfast? Are ready to jump in feet first like Peter?

The scene of today’s Gospel is always one of my favorites…it shows why I love Simon Peter and his conversion so much. He was just so human!

After years of walking and talking, preaching and teaching, after listening to Jesus tell about the future and how scriptures were to be fulfilled, when all this came to pass, the disciples feared the present and future without Jesus. They did as we would do…reverted back into their comfort zone. Peter was a fisherman so he tried to go back to being fishermen. If the disciples were around today, they would be heading to the docks on Sunday fishing pole in hand while their wives were pulling them to Church.

But, Jesus called them and they could no longer avoid the critical questions and challenges. This time, no one denied Jesus…but, like Mary Magdalene who also had close encounters with Christ we studied this week, the disciples did not realize immediately that the man on shore was the Lord.

When Simon Peter realized (thanks to John’s help) that it was Jesus back on shore, he could not sit in his seat until the boat docked. He dove into the river in a kind of post-Resurrection full immersion baptism and reconciliation, to follow Jesus and his commands.

This episode also teaches us a lot about how Jesus will work through our lives. Despite our faiings and the times we have denied or ignored Jesus, after blessing our work with abundant fish, Jesus calls us to shore to spend some time with him. Think just of what Jesus says in today’s readings and imagine he is talking to you…

“Esther, have you caught anything to eat?” First, Christ will seek you out before you ever seek Him. He will find out your needs and he will fulfill them. His unconditional love is free for all, no asking is required. Then he will engage you in a conversation as he seeks your prayer in dialog.
“Vince, cast the net over the right side of the boat and you will find something.” Once you open yourself up to this encounter, Jesus will tell you what he wants you to do. He will command you to go out into the world and seek – for Him – those who are lost.

“Mimi, bring some of the fish you just caught.” Whatever your efforts in the world, bring some of that back to Jesus as an offering. Jesus and the Church need our reciprocal love and support. Even when the Church is faced with challenges, the Church needs us to bring to it the fruit of our labors. This includes you time, your talents and your treasure. How can you support the Church and the people? What can you offer back to Jesus in exchange for His unconditional love?

“Mark, come, have breakfast.” When you enter into the Lord’s presence, Jesus will nourish and sustain you no matter how long you have been fasting from Him. Be it one day or twenty years. The invitation is open. It’s pot luck. Jesus already has the bread and wine, the Body and Blood. What will you bring when you come to the Feast?

Jesus wants our response when he seeks us out. Don’t be afraid to answer. And don’t be afraid to seek him out. Jump in! The Water of Life is great!


What fruits of your labor can you offer to Jesus today or this weekend? Post your responses as comments following this reflection at

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I've forwarded this email to my wife, whom I'm inviting on a daily basis to share breakfast with our Lord, Jesus.

    I think it may be bearing some fruit.
