
Friday, April 28, 2006

Worthy to Suffer April 28


Jesus, we know that you will test us today. Help us to react as Resurrection Apostles trusting that your mission comes from God. Help us not to put anything human in the way of your desire to draw closer to us through our piety, study and action. Amen.


On this Friday in the second week after Easter, our scriptures are found here for reading and reflection.

“[H]ave nothing to do with these men, and let them go. For if this endeavor or this activity is of human origin, it will destroy itself. But if it comes from God, you will not be able to destroy them.” (Acts 5:38-39)

“[T]hey had been found worthy to suffer dishonor for the sake of the name.” (Acts 5:41)

What does it say? At first glance, today’s readings seem totally unrelated. First we have a story of how the disciples escaped death but did suffer flogging at the hands of the Sadducees. Then in the Gospel from John, we flash back to Jesus’ life before the Passion. We hear about one of the signs Jesus performed when he fed the five thousand with five barley loaves and two fish – clearly an early sign of the Eucharistic celebration.

Jesus takes the initiative in the Gospel and questions Phillip…”Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?”

At this point, even after witnessing the first three signs Jesus performed in John’s Gospel, there is still that human skepticism. “Two hundred days’ wages worth of food would not be enough for each of them to have a little.”

What does it all mean? Perhaps that after the Resurrection, that skepticism turned into discipleship. The Apostles truly took up their cross and followed Jesus. They willingly suffered punishment in order to be true to His commandments.

What does it matter? How Jesus might be testing us today. How will we react to Jesus’ test?
· Take the safe way out and react like Gamaliel who encourages his peers to ignore it and it will go away?
· Be too practical like Phillip and question Jesus from a skeptical human perspective thinking that the endeavor is of human origin and we have to buy the food of eternal life?
· Like the witnesses to your New Eucharist and recognize you as the Messiah wanting to carry you away and make you king?
· Or, like the Apostles after the Resurrection who trust in the Lord and are obedient to His commandments even if it means suffering for His sake?


What does all this mean for how we approach our day today?

Look no further than the headlines…

Kaine Permits Execution To Proceed Despite Beliefs
Governor Says He Has No Reason to Doubt Killer's Guilt

It wasn’t Calvary…it wasn’t Good Friday. Can’t you just hear Pontius Pilate stating, "I find no compelling reasons to doubt Jesus Christ’s guilt or to invalidate the sentence recommended by the jury and imposed, and affirmed, by the courts," Pilate said in a brief statement issued 2 1/2 hours before the Nazorean was put to death by capital punishment on the cross. "Accordingly, I decline to intervene."

Just like Gamliel…he didn’t intervene. I for one let Governor Kaine know today how disappointed I am that he could forget the lessons of Easter so quickly. Will you? Let him know how you feel at this site:

I am happy to share my letter to the Governor if you are interested.

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