
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Do Good on the Sabbath September 11

Clear out the old yeast, so that you may become a fresh batch of dough, inasmuch as you are unleavened. For our paschal lamb, Christ, has been sacrificed. (1 Cor 5:7)

I ask you, is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath rather than to do evil? (Luke 6:9)


Lord Jesus, I seek refuge in you and exult in you. On this anniversary of deceit, death and chaos, may I bring your joy and your justice to the world today in everyone I meet whether face to face, electronically or telephonically. Help me delight in your presence within me and seek you in others.


What does it mean to love as Jesus loves? What does it mean to love as God loves? We live among platitudes, good sayings, proverbs all hoping that they will provide us the answer – the complete secret. Jesus gives us numerous small, pertinent examples. He tells the assembly that is it good, it is Love, to help someone on the Sabbath, rules and laws not withstanding. Why is this so hard?

One of Paul’s most quoted verses is from 1 Corinthians 13: “and the greatest of these is Love”. Seems awfully simple. Yet Paul has to remind the Corinthians that it is not simple and that we must always be on guard against complacency. He reminds them that a little yeast leavens all the dough. This old Jewish proverb means that a little evil corrupts the whole – somewhat like our present day saying “one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel”. In another incident, Jesus actually calls the scribes and Pharisees rotten because they prefer legislation to love. And in our day, five years ago, a small number of men bent on destruction threw an entire nation into grief and turmoil.

Paul then uses the image of the leaven to remind the Corinthians that Jesus, the new Lamb of God, has set a new feast for us. Now we can, and should, be fresh, unspoiled and vital leavening to bring the Word to the world. The old saying is turned on its head: a little yeast can leaven, can bring to holiness, to all the dough. In Cursillo we speak about being a friend, making a friend and bringing a friend to Christ.

Jesus heals a man. The law said to do no work.

Love. Healing. Do good. Save Life. Be a friend. Be fresh leaven: evangelization and action. Love.


I ask you, is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath rather than to do evil?

Pray these words to yourself. Perhaps write them on paper or in your blackberry. Read them throughout your day. Let your focus be on the good Jesus is leading you to all day long. Rejoice that He walks hand in hand with you today even as He did on Sept 11, 2001. Choose the blessing rather than the curse.

De Colores

Beth DeCristofaro

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