
Monday, November 06, 2006

Because of his Mercy November 15

Because of his mercy, he saved us through the bath of rebirthand renewal by the Holy Spirit,whom he richly poured out on usthrough Jesus Christ our savior,so that we might be justified by his graceand become heirs in hope of eternal life. Titus 3:5-7

“Ten were cleansed, were they not?Where are the other nine? Has none but this foreigner returned to give thanks to God?” Luke 17:17-18

God, you know us too well yet you still save us and continue to love us.

Despite the fact that we consistently turn away from you, you always provide grace and salvation for us.

No matter what our diversions and addictive behaviors, you welcome us as the Father welcomed home the prodigal son. You slay the fatted calf for us so that we might have eternal life. Amen.


Proper adult behavior is once again the focus of our readings today both in a general sense and through the specific illustration of the behavior of the one grateful leper.

The general advice to Titus and the Church in Crete is that proper behavior and mindset will yield both an improved attitude toward civil authority and an improved state in their Christian relationship with all people. Paul could be recounting our own failings on a couch with Sigmund Freud or Carl Jung…

For we ourselves were once foolish following sports teams and not Christ,
Disobedient to the truths espoused by the Catholic Church,
Deluded into thinking that we were the most important people,Slaves to Budweiser, Mondavi, Jack Daniels, consumerism, sex, drugs and rock and roll among various other desires and pleasures,living
in malice toward some and envy toward those who we perceived as having more than we had,hateful of ourselves (ego) and hating one another.

What are the proper behaviors exhibited by the one leper? He showed a mature prayer life:

1) Adoration – He raised his voice and cried out in public that Jesus was his master
2) Contemplation – He reflected on his healing and decided to act and react to the miracle Jesus offered to him. He turned to Christ and asked for help. He followed Jesus’ instructions. On the way to the temple, he realized he was healed.
3) Thanksgiving -- He returned to Christ and offered his praise
4) Supplication – He put aside his pursuits in life to do what Jesus asked of him through faith. His faith saved him.


More suggestions from the Postscript to Arthur Simon’s book How Much is Enough? Hungering for God in an Affluent Culture. Did you know that Arthur Simon was founder and president emeritus of Bread for the World?

3. Deepen your devotional life.
4. Discuss your intentions and progress with others (though group reunion, Ultreya and Reunion of Leaders) – parenthetical clause mine.
5. Do zero-based, faith-based budgeting. If you were starting from scratch, how much of your income and possessions would you really need? Perhaps you can use a smaller house. Or perhaps you can use your house to welcome additional guests.

Join us Saturday night at St. Charles Borromeo for a Diocesan Ultreya welcoming new Cursillistas from the fall men’s and women’s weekends. November 18 – Mass starts at 5 p.m. and the meeting will take place immediately following at approximately 6 p.m. Bring a drink and food to share.

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