
Monday, November 06, 2006

Receive full recompense November 17, 2006

Look to yourselves that you do not lose what we worked for but may receive a full recompense. 2 John 4:8

On that day, someone who is on the housetopand whose belongings are in the housemust not go down to get them,and likewise one in the fieldmust not return to what was left behind. Where the body is, there also the vultures will gather. Luke 17: 31, 37


Blessed are those who follow the law of the Lord. They reject the demands of Madison Avenue which pushes at us to buy faster cars, newer clothes and more toys and gadgets. Instead, they choose to live with less.

Blessed are those who follow the law of the Lord. They reject the fantasies of Hollywood which promises pleasure for self and superficial relationships and nothing close to true love. Instead, those who follow the law of the Lord choose fidelity and love and stability that gives up self for others.

Blessed are those who follow the law of the Lord. They seek the Lord with all their heart rather than pursuing a life that seeks the rewards of Wall Street.

Blessed are those who follow the law of the Lord. They reject the law of the land which does not treasure the promise of the Lord but offers truth, happiness and wealth for those who work hard. They put the needs of the vulnerable first.



In today’s readings, St. Luke continues with the message about separating worldly goods from the spiritual life. He predicts that those who are pre-occupied with worldly possessions will perish with those possessions when Jesus returns to earth.

The way of truth is a way of living in which the Christian faith is visibly expressed. Such a path rejects temporal goods as Jesus demands.

Simply put, we must simply put God first. All else is secondary and puts us at risk from the vultures who will circle where the body is. The vultures will not be circling where the spirit is.

As Jesus’ journey approaches Jerusalem, he continues preaching this message through a series of parables. The choice (God or worldly possessions and success) is up to each of us individually.


Today, I continue sharing the list of suggested actions from Arthur Simon’s Post Script in How Much is Enough? Note, all proceeds form this book support the organization Bread for the World, which he founded.

6. Do zero-based, faith-based budgeting with the use of your time, your talent and the influence that you have. These are huge gifts and God has ideas about how you can use them. One of God’s gifts is to make you struggle to figure out what those ideas are, for in the process of doing so you will grow in faith and service.

7. Give special thought to your role in the church and its mission. How can you be engaged in mission locally? How can you support the church’s mission elsewhere and internationally with your gifts and prayers?

8. Give special consideration to the most vulnerable. This includes the hungry, the homeless, the friendless, prisoners (including ex-offenders and families of those in prison), the unborn, and those born but left to grown up with few opportunities and little guidance.

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