
Thursday, September 09, 2010

Love Builds Up

September 9, 2010

Memorial of Saint Peter Claver, priest

[K]nowledge inflates with pride, but love builds up. If anyone supposes he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if one loves God, one is known by him. 1 Corinthians 8:1c-3

“But to you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. To the person who strikes you on one cheek, offer the other one as well, and from the person who takes your cloak, do not withhold even your tunic. Give to everyone who asks of you, and from the one who takes what is yours do not demand it back.” Luke 6:27-30

Take, Lord, and Receive

Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will.All I have and call my own.Whatever I have or hold, you have given me.I return it all to you and surrender it wholly to be governed by your will.Give me only your love and your grace and I am rich enough and ask for nothing more.
St. Ignatius, from the end of the Spiritual Exercises

The readings this week have focused on the new ways that Jesus has introduced. Joseph was asked to wed Mary even though the old ways of doing things would allow him to break off his relationship with her. The man with the withered hand found out that he did not have to wait until tomorrow to be healed because Jesus said loving each other takes precedence over following the old laws governing the Sabbath.

Today, Jesus introduced another new concept. Previously, the command to “love your neighbor” concerned your fellow citizens. Now, however, Jesus extends that command to love beyond those who live around us and cover even our enemies.

Not only must we love those who are our enemy, but also we must take the Ultimate Humility Challenge. To the person who strikes you on one cheek, offer the other one as well, and from the person who takes your cloak, do not withhold even your tunic. Give to everyone who asks of you, and from the one who takes what is yours do not demand it back.

The prayer from the end of the Spiritual Exercises takes up this very theme. Not only are we to give and give, but also we are to return everything to Jesus.

Who among us would be tempted to say, “That’s not fair!” We would be right if Jesus was going to be limited to human standards. However, Jesus is breaking the mold. No longer will the laws of the Hebrew Bible or the American Dream establish the social contract. Now, love supersedes all. Love builds up.

Today, we celebrate the Memorial for St. Peter Claver, one of 50 Jesuits who have been elevated to “Saint” or “Blessed” in the church. These individuals and groups have turned their back on what the world thinks is fair. They have accepted and put into practice the love that Jesus commands.

Take inventory of the items you have collected in your life. What can you surrender so others may benefit. Maybe some items in your closet not worn over the past year. Maybe some time that you might otherwise spend watching football this fall.

After Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, entire neighborhoods were devastated. Some have yet to rebuild. Others are slowly being rebuilt. The rebuilding needed an impetus to get started. The parish of St. Peter Claver was among the first to be rebuilt in the devastated neighborhoods around the French Quarter. Today, homes around it are slowly recovering.

Volunteers are still needed and welcome to assist this vibrant parish community with various stages of repair in the church, school and community. If you are going to be in the New Orleans area soon and are interested in volunteering, please call the Parish Office at 504-822-8059 to leave your name, telephone numbers, and indicate the type of volunteer help you are offering.