
Monday, June 12, 2006

Holy Grounds June 12


Help me open my heart and mind to you today, Lord, finding wisdom and fortitude in the Word you give me. I am awed to know that you loved the psalmist and Elijah so long ago as You love me today. O God who made heaven and earth, Oh Lord Jesus who sanctified the Mount with your Words, keep my feet on Holy Ground, as I take these words throughout my day. Help me to live them out. May my gratitude and my reverence for Your presence in my life make it possible for me to recognize You in all of Your Children I meet today. Amen.


Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth...both now and forever... (Psalm 121)

When Jesus saw the crowds… He began to teach them… (Matthew 5)

Often in my prayers I ask for clear direction: “God, could you write it down for me?” Perhaps, in part, I am perplexed because I do not listen with the ears of faith – a faith that says “The LORD will guard your coming and your going, both now and forever.” Perhaps I am listening for rationality, logic, the “right” answer that fits into my life. But today‘s readings do not offer that.

In today’s first reading we find Elijah, called by God to prophesy to King Ahab who is introducing false Gods to the 10 Tribes. God will teach this King and the disloyal people through famine. God then instructs Elijah to go and hide; God says to trust that birds will bring Elijah food! Rational?

Today’s second reading gives us a picture of God’s own Son speaking directly to the people in words which don’t, on first reading – maybe even second reading – sound rational: blessed are the meek? Poor in spirit?

Remember to whom Our Lord speaks. He is talking to people who are poor. He is talking to a people oppressed by a brutal occupying force. He is speaking to a people weighed down by 700 laws dictating every move they make. Their leaders do not follow Jesus; rather they remain sheltered in the temple. Those who follow Jesus are common, lowly. They follow out of thirst for God.Jesus speaks to them as children of God. These people are Creations of the God who Is. Immutable. Forever. A Refuge. The Mover. Creator of Heaven and Earth. Jesus speaks to these Children, sitting down in the dust with them, telling them how much God loves them and that He is with them in their poverty, their love of righteousness, their steadfast patience and hope in waiting for the Messiah. Jesus tells them that they will find reward with God.

He is speaking to them as the human Incarnation of the Absolute, Forever God. Jesus wants them and us to trust in Him, to seek Him now, to give glory to the Father now and not wait for some indefinite future. He is the way, the model and the path. He tells them how.

But we know it is far from simple. Blessed are the peacemakers: Elijah brought discord and disturbance because he spoke God’s Truth in the face of a human government’s untruth. Blessed are the meek – not the weak: Jesus did not cower when He faced Pilot. Jesus spoke with gentle, powerful Truth.

Do I mourn at the plight of the world or am I so tired of bad news that I ignore it? Do I hunger and thirst for justice or accept that “they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps”? Do I relate to others with compassion and humility or do I have to have the last word because I know that I am right? Do I seek peace or accept war as justified to save lives? Does the thought of persecution or ridicule keep me silent? Do I show mercy to those who have nothing to give back to me in return?

Can I trust that the Lord, indeed, will give me my daily bread even if it be delivered by ravens? And can I believe that when I act in accord with these beautiful promises made by Jesus on the Mount, that I am by no means diminished? Rather, I walk upon Ground made Holy by His Sacrifice for me by following His Word.


Read the Readings slowly, thoughtfully. Pause and look into your own heart. Read them again. Do you see the eyes of Jesus looking back at you? Do you find poverty of spirit or pride? So you find your heart “clean” or stuffed too full with self-serving intentions and actions? Choose one of the verses of the Gospel and live it out today. Live it as if you are on the Mount with Jesus all day long. Do so with the courage that The LORD will guard you from all evil…both now and forever. Do so with joy! You will be with the Lord!

Good Morning! I made my Cursillo in 2001 and my group was “Living Rainbow of Faith.” Please consider reflecting on the Liturgical Readings and what they mean to your life – and ours – for this column. After all, this is “your daily tripod”. E-mail Lighthouse Keeper with your choice of day. Then Pray, Study and Act!


Let me know if you would like to pick a day soon to offer the daily reflection.
Tune in to your e-mail or for continued inspiration.

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