
Friday, June 09, 2006

Live religiously June 9


Lord, deliver us from the persecutions that we endure for your sake. We know criticism from the forces of culture and death will be inevitable. When we try to put the brakes on these forces, sometimes it takes a lot of pressure on the pedal. Lord, we ask you to put your weight behind our efforts so we have the courage to do what you ask of all of us.

Like Bishop Fiorenza, enlighten our minds and lives so we can shift our outlook and soften our hearts toward the lives of those facing the ultimate punishment. Give strength to all of our political and moral leaders so they can impose the truly ultimate judgment – love.


“All who want to live religiously in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. But wicked people and charlatans will go from bad to worse, deceivers and deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:12-13

Prayers Work! Look no further than today’s headline in "The Washington Post."

Kaine Delays Execution of Inmate Inquiry Into Killer's Mental State Ordered

Choose life! Yesterday (Thursday June 8) our airwaves and papers were filled with stories of the death of one of the leaders of the Iraqi terror cells. We saw chapter and verse, pictures and video, images from guided missiles and images from gutted buildings.

Getting less attention but equally important, Thursday Virginia Governor Tim Kaine chose lfe. He decided to take a prudent step. Rather than proceed with the execution of a man on death row when major questions have been raised about the inmate's mental health and capacity, the Governor took a step back from the brink. Rather than commit to a step from which there is no turning back, Governor Kaine decided to look into the subject further.

For this decision – hopefully based on the Gospel and teachings of the Catholic bishops – the Governor is already being pilloried in the press by his opponents who favor perpetuating the madness of a death and vengeance culture. Paul predicted as much in today’s first reading.

Paul's example for Timothy includes persecution, a frequent emphasis in this Pastoral Epistle which is addressed to a leader in teh early Church, rather than the entire community. Timothy is told to be steadfast to what he has been taught and to scripture. The scriptures are the source of wisdom, i.e., of belief in and loving fulfillment of God's word revealed in Christ, through whom salvation is given.

Today, maybe this message is intended for a different Timothy.


You can read the Governor's statement at this site:

Now is time to let the Governor know that he has support for his actions in the state so he will know that he has our “palanca” to make the same decision the next time such a case come to his desk. With our support, he may have the courage to stand up to the death penalty lobbyists as they stalk the hall of Congress.

You can write to the Governor at this site:

Here is the message I sent...

Dear Governor Kaine,
You can count me among those who criticized you fairly and strongly when you let proceed the execution of one inmate back in March. Today, you can count me among your supporters for your decision in the Percy Walton case.

Thank you for choosing the path of prudence. Thank you for choosing the only preferential option of life for Mr. Walton. Once he is executed, you can't study him back to life.

Please ignore those critics seking cheap headlines who will drive your reputation into the ground on the basis of one decision -- like I did back in March. Forgive me.

My prayers will continue that this is the side we will see more often. Ironically, today's reading at Mass is from 2 Timothy. St. Paul predicts that you will be persecuted:
"Remain faithful to what you have learned and believed, because you know from whom you learned it, and that from infancy you have known the sacred Scriptures, which are capable of giving you wisdom for salvationthrough faith in Christ Jesus.

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work."


The Lighthouse Keeper

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