
Sunday, September 21, 2008

All Will Come To Light

September 22, 2008

Monday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time

By Beth DeCristofaro

The just one shall live on your holy mountain, O Lord. (Psalm 15:1)

No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed…For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light. (Luke 8:16, 17)


God of Creation, of sun, of wriggly creatures, of colors, of roosters and cluck hens, and of boy and girls, light me up! Brother Jesus, Put me on your lamp stand and make me to shine as you will. Holy Spirit, dwell within and stir me to shine so that God’s glory be revealed through me. Amen.


Walking in the woods on a summer morning several years ago, I was utterly taken in by the intensity of the light. It was one of those hot mornings when the air sizzled with the buzz of cicadas. The haze of humidity had not yet begun to blur the sharp contours, colors and lines around me. The yellow tint of the sun was on each blade of grass, wing of dragonfly and ubiquitous leafy vine. Shadows were in stark relief behind each one. At the same time, when I looked out over a small pond, the chips of reflected sun struck my eyes making the murky, chocolate-colored water appear faced with shards of glass. It was amazing. Then, I walked to the edge of the water and, looking down, with the sun overhead, saw that the water was not murky after all. It was a warm, amber color and full of life! Little creatures skated on it and wriggled though it. The sun seemed to bring layers of life, sound, warmth and sensation to me. I spent some time just gazing at the wonder of Creation.

Jesus said, For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light. (Luke 8: 17) So much was revealed in the light of that summer sun which might have remained hidden had I not stopped to contemplate it. We are invited to be part of God’s light. Study helps us immerse ourselves in the Light of the Word. Piety, listening and being with God, helps us absorb the light into our being. Action helps us spread the light beyond the vessel of ourselves.

Can we strike the spark? Can we afford not to? To anyone who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he seems to have will be taken away. (Luke 8:18)


Where is God’s light shining on you now? Are you lifting up your eyes to it with a “Yes!” Is your group reunion, ultreya and personal prayer lighting you up? If not, what are you going to do about it? Is your light out from under the bed? On whom are you shining it? Step in! Life and light are teeming on the mountain!

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