
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bear their Cross

January 19, 2009

Monday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

By Beth DeCristofaro

Likewise, no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the skins are ruined. Rather, new wine is poured into fresh wineskins. (Mark 2:22)


Lord, you gave yourself on the cross for the unity of all humankind. We offer up to you our human nature marred by egotism, arrogance, vanity and anger. Reach out to us with compassion and take care of your people, so that we may enjoy the peace and joy integral to the order of your creation. May all Christians work together to bring about your justice. Give us the courage to help others to bear their cross, rather than putting our own on their shoulders. Amen. (Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: Prayer from Day 2)


Today is the second day of the week of prayer for Christian Unity. The week coincides with a Day of Prayer for Peace in Assisi, Italy, attended by representatives of the Orthodox Churches, the Anglican Communion, the Churches originated by the Reformation, Hinduism, the Traditional African Religions, Buddhism, Judaism and the Islamic World and marked with a speech by Pope Benedict XVI.

My family and I were in Assisi on Good Friday. It is an awe-inspiring town, howbeit the locals know how to turn the tourist trade to good use. But I can picture the Holy Father, other solemn officials and the faithful in the beautiful basilica, praying above the grave of St. Francis and be hopeful in today’s world full of tragedy and sorrow. I can picture the Pope climbing into his Popemobile for the short but very steep uphill drive to the Poor Clare’s convent where the cross of San Damiano hangs. It is awesome.

Jesus’ imagery is far from this splendid. He talks about new life supplanting in its vivacity, promise and immediacy the old code, the old precepts. If he asked me today if my wine skin was fresh or was I brittle and rigid, I would have to reflect deeply. If Jesus asked me today if the cloth of my cloak has been kept well enough to take restructuring and repair, or if I have left it to become threadbare and frayed, I would have to pause. Have I been keeping up with Jesus enough to be open to the presence of Jesus where he wills rather than where I want? Is the Spirit blowing or bottled up within me?

In the call to unity, the challenge of unity, can I be open to seeing God in the “other” to witnessing God anew? Or will it burst my comfortable bubble? Can I pray for myself and others to constantly seek the fullness of God at all times?


Spend time this week reflecting on unity and peace. Pray especially for innocent women and children caught in combat zone or regions of conflict. Pray for leaders to seek peace, not violence. Pray for those who suffer for their faith. Finally, pray for unity in our country.

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