
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rouse One Another

January 29, 2009

Thursday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works. We should not stay away from our assembly, as is the custom of some, but encourage one another, and this all the more as you see the day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25

He also told them, "Take care what you hear. The measure with which you measure will be measured out to you, and still more will be given to you. To the one who has, more will be given; from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away." Mark 4:24-25


God, wake us up to hear your message. Jesus, stand us up to act upon your Word. Holy Spirit, bolster us to support each other on our mutual journey for justice. Amen.


“All I Really Need to Know I Learned in the Letter to the Hebrews.” Apologies to Robert Fulgum.

Consider this: We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works.

There you have it…the entire purpose of Cursillo, Christianity and the Catholic Church summed up in one sentence. Who needs the Baltimore Catechism when you have the Letter to the Hebrews? From the Garden of Eden to Revelation. From the Annunciation to the Ascension. From John the Baptist to John the Evangelist. From Benedict to Ignatius Loyola. From Eve to Mary. From Jesus to the Holy Spirit. From the Old Covenant to the New Covenant.

We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works.

Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41

The three-day weekend a.k.a. the short course – we rouse each other early every day and then rouse our minds and spirits through talks, table discussions, liturgy, sacraments, and more.

Group reunion is the constant rousing and supporting of each other to stay true to our program of piety, study and action. The same can be said of Ultreya at the parish or diocesan level.

Offering and receiving “Palanca” is another way to rouse each other in love and good works and to sustain our own program of live and good works.

Religious education, Knights of Columbus, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, youth ministry, family ministry, Social Action Committee, buying fair trade coffee…everything we do is summed up right there in Hebrews 10:24.

Ours is no longer only a faith lived out in the pew as the rosary beads pass through our fingers, decade by decade, Ave Maria by Ave Maria. Our faith may start in that pew. Our faith returns to that pew at least weekly. But our faith also rouses us from that pew. And if we need help, we have our companions on the journey. Last Sunday, Mark 16:15 called upon us to Go out to all the world and tell the Good News.” Now, the letter to the Hebrews echoes that by encouraging us to support each other in that faith and outreach, in that ora et labora…prayer and work.

We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works.

As we support others, they will support us. The more generously that we share the talents God has given to us, then God will be more bountiful toward us. The more we make use of what we learn in sacred scriptures, then the more blessings will God bestow upon us.


Who can you “rouse” up in their journey today?

What part of your spirituality plan needs to get shaken up?

Write down your plan for the week and check back next Friday to see how much of the plan you accomplished.

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