
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Let Us Set Things Right

March 22, 2010
Tuesday of the Second Week of Lent

By Beth DeCristofaro

Wash yourselves clean! Put away your misdeeds from before my eyes; cease doing evil; learn to do good. Make justice your aim: redress the wronged, hear the orphan’s plea, defend the widow. Come now, let us set things right, says the LORD: Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow… (Isaiah 1:16-18)

The greatest among you must be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted. Matthew 23:12)

God, you gave me the awesome gifts of free will and freedom. Help me to use these gifts to set things right within my soul and within my environments. Teach me how to apply justice and remain humble. You can count on me, Lord, and I will count on You.

Pretty strong stuff these readings. But pretty great “study” for a Cursillista. Isaiah prophesied to Sodom and Gomorrah whose wickedness has become a symbol for the most monstrous refusal of God. But in their day, Isaiah told them that God will willingly wash their sins away if they cease doing evil and instead choose God and make justice their aim. God offers forgiveness and mercy time and time again. But we know the end of the story: Sodom and Gomorrah said “no.” I wonder if God wept at their refusal. I’m sure the father of the Prodigal Son would have wept.

I have just spent the last three days on Cursillo, with a generous, spirit-filled team and remarkable candidates who are truly thirsty for God. A team, a weekend, a community comes together when there is a spirit of humility. In our talks, in preparations, in prayer, in hospitality we explore just how to set things right, become servant to God and each other therefore exalting God. I read in Isaiah and in this passage from Matthew that we can use any opportunity to set things right and turn back to God.

Come now, let us set things right, says the LORD. He continues to be with us, not directing from afar. God and I start small, with my own heart, with my family, with my Cursillo community and the other environments in which I find myself. With God, many opportunities open up to me to set things right. This Cursillo weekend renewed my faith that, indeed, many opportunities are given and many people are, indeed, choosing to make things right in their hearts. A Cursillo weekend renews my hope in the face of pretty strong stuff I am reading in the newspapers in my Fourth Day.

But we can take every day to wake up and say, “Good Morning God, let us set things right together." Christ is counting on me and I am counting on Christ.

Is your second week of the Lenten journey helping you to set things right – between you and God? Within yourself? Between you and others? Reevaluate. Take every opportunity because God gives them lovingly to you and me at every turn.

Perhaps a friend could benefit from the opportunity of a Cursillo weekend. Bring her/him to Christ. The next Men’s weekend in Arlington, VA, has space available. Who can you invite to the weekend?