Saturday, June 17, 2006

He Left and Followed June 17


God, source of all life and being, help us to take refuge in you, leaving behind the material and physical temptations of this world.

Jesus, friend to all, help us seek counsel from those who will lead us closer to you.

Holy Spirit, inspiring the world, set us free from all that we think, say and do to block the way of our spiritual union with the Trinity. Show us the path of love that is not obstructed with our possessions. Amen.


“He left and followed.” 1 Kings 19:21

In what do we take refuge?

In our comfortable homes? In our air-conditioned, power-steering, power-braking cars? In our dual-channel 40 watt stereo with subwoofers? In that home theatre system and 7.1 surround sound speakers?

In whom do we seek counsel?

Dr. Phil? Oprah? Andrew Weil? Your career coach? Your American Express Financial Adisor? Your stock broker? If we are truly to make good to the Lord all that we vow, then we need to stop pursuing the counsel of those who seek to help us to get ahead in the world and instead seek those who can counsel us to strengthen our spiritual lives.

What do we set before us?

The Lenox collection. The silver tea service. The interior decorator. The designer coffee from Gevalia. Those kitchen appliances from LG. The Williams Sonoma catalogue. A night out and dinner at the finest restaurants in Georgetown.

Elisha left all he owned behind. He kissed his mother and father goodbye. He liquidated his belongings and distributed them to the people in his village. All that in order to follow Elijah. His actions remind us of the disciples. Peter left behind his fishing boats. Matthew left behind his tax collecting. What are you prepared to leave behind so nothing stops you from following the Lord and being the Lord’s attendant?


What are you attending to this weekend? Perhaps you have grass to cut. Groceries to buy. Perhaps you need to clean up a little around the house. Entertain some friends.

Can you remember others, too? Donate some food to donate to a local pantry or to brown bag Sunday? Visit someone in a nursing home or hospital. Volunteer. We can be the Lord’s attendant when we serve our sisters and brothers.

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