Sunday, July 09, 2006

I will espouse you to me forever July 10

by Beth De Cristofaro


Help me, today, Lord, to reach out and touch Your cloak in utter confidence that You will heal me in ways I do not understand. Help me through that touch to seek Your will, not mine. Help me to bring Your spirit of great and trusting love to those who I might otherwise not consider deserving.


The language in these readings are almost over-the-top in lavish images: "I will espouse you to me forever." “They publish the fame of your abundant goodness” and “Your faith has saved you” are but a few. God asks a prolific, rich, lavish trust and love from us so that we can experience the graciousness and mercifulness God is willing to give us.

Perhaps we are told this again and again because in our lives we must renew this trust again and again. Hosea uses the image of the woman, charmed and attracted by her lover, to speak of God’s relationship with Israel; a relationship that is troubled by betrayal and neglect over the years. The psalmist sings praise after praise tempered by the awesome reality of God’s power. And in the Gospel, two acts of outreaching, of courage lead Jesus to act with His power within everyday life. “You are saved” he tells the woman who touched his cloak. Does that mean that she will now live forever? No, humans are still bound by the physical laws that God has set for us and God’s creation. She will die someday. The little girl will die someday. Israel will turn away again in spite of the devotion of the bridegroom. And so will we. Daily, each moment, we must renew our trust, seek God’s will and reach out to touch the cloak: perhaps He will save me and I can say “amen, yes Lord” in an eternal, loyal marriage relationship.


Look for opportunities to practice irrational, lavish trust. Take the time to stop what we are doing and “go” with someone who needs us like Jesus did for the official. Savor joy like that of a new bride or groom and pass on justice and mercy as promised to us by God. Be aware, all day, and make choices that reflect the encompassing compassion that Jesus showed to everyone who reached out to touch Him.



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