Saturday, October 14, 2006

One in Christ October 14

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.
Luke 11:28


Let us pray. God, source of all light and sound, please open our ears so that we may hear your word and act on it in our lives. Amen.


The path to heaven is way open to all – universally and in equality. It goes beyond what any popular government can offer or promise to the people living under its laws.

Baptism in Christ is the great uniter. Through the faith of our baptism, all of us who are baptized share in the promise of salvation.

We like to think that the United States is ahead of the world in universal rights. However, let’s remember that women did not fully share in the democratic promise in the United States until May 19, 1919. African Americans did not fully share in the democratic promise until the 15th amendment was passed in February 1869. Political equality for both of these groups, as well as others, was years ahead of social, economic and sexual equality.

Even though these laws were passed, society still had a long way to go – and still does in some places – toward treating all persons with full equality. America was 2,000 years behind Jesus Christ in preaching total equality.

St. Paul reminds us in his letter to the Galatians today, that as children of God, baptized into Christ, the Galatians (and the Virginians) are all Abraham's descendant and heirs of the promise to Abraham.

The crux of the matter lies in our attentiveness to God's word. That is more important than any biological, political, economic or social relationship to Jesus for our path to holiness. We are all one in Christ through faith.


Listen today to someone who had less political power, economic power or social status than you do. Try to hear their message just as Jesus would – in total equality.

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