Monday, July 21, 2008

I Have Seen the Lord

July 22, 2008

Memorial of Saint Mary Magdalene

Who is there like you, the God who removes guilt and pardons sin for the remnant of his inheritance; Who does not persist in anger forever, but delights rather in clemency, and will again have compassion on us, treading underfoot our guilt? You will cast into the depths of the sea all our sins. Micah 7:18-19

But Mary stayed outside the tomb weeping. John 20:11


Father, help us to see you in the world and in the people who are around us. We praise you and thank you, Lord of sea and sky, for pinning our sins on the back of your Son and pitching them into the depths of the ocean. Freed from their burden, help us take on the yoke you offer. Amen.


July continues our quest through the lives of the saints. So far this month, the liturgical calendar has allowed us to reacquaint ourselves with St. Bonaventure, St. Benedict, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, and St. Thomas. Today, we stop by and see Mary Magdalene as she waits outside the tomb weeping.

Imagine being the first person to see Jesus after the resurrection! How would you respond? Probably not unlike Mary. When she first sees the stone rolled away, she assumed the Roman guards stole the mortal body of Jesus and she runs to tell the disciples. She did not go in to inspect the tomb. She ran to tell others. After Peter and John saw that Jesus was not there, they left. But Mary stayed outside the tomb weeping. For her faith, hope and charity, Mary is rewarded with the first encounter with the risen Christ!

Rabbouni! Her Epiphany on Easter provides the impetus for her evangelization. I have seen the Lord! After the experience, she continues to tell others about her encounter.

Jesus does not want us to remain outside weeping. He wants us to enter into his father’s house. He has made a room for us there. But we have to recognize Jesus coming to us through those around us like Mary recognizes that the gardener is not the gardener but instead is the Lord. We also have to recognize the natural gifts of the earth which have been bestowed upon us. Jesus will even come to us first. He called Mary by name in order for her to see past the speck of dust that clouded her eye. When he calls, she recognizes him and comes to that realization.


Jesus will call you by name. Will he find you remain outside in mourning or willing to come inside?

What we are physically or emotionally tied to makes us fail to see or hear the message that Jesus has for us. Mary had to get past her attachment to the human, physical persona of Jesus in order for her to experience Easter. What is it that has us tied up or tied down? These material or emotional attachments anchor us to society and hold us back from experiencing our faith at a higher level. They are like the weeds growing among the plants that grow from the seeds Jesus sowed. We need to figure out ways to separate us from these distractions.

When at Oceanside beaches, enjoy wading out into the shallow waters and hugging the shores. The tides pull you in all directions…but especially outward toward the deeper waters. Micah tells us that Jesus pitches all of our sins out there in the depths of the ocean where we cannot reach them and they cannot reach back and harm (distract) us further.

Pitch your sins out into the ocean so you are not encumbered for the tasks ahead.

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