August 20, 2009
Memorial of Saint Bernard, abbot and doctor of the Church
“Whoever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites shall belong to the LORD. I shall offer him up as a holocaust.” Judges 11:31
Then he said to his servants, “The feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come. Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.” Matthew 22:8-9
Happy those whose trust is the LORD, who turn not to idolatry or to those who stray after falsehood. How numerous, O LORD, my God, you have made your wondrous deeds! And in your plans for us there is none to equal you. Should I wish to declare or tell them, too many are they to recount sacrifice and offering you do not want; but ears open to obedience you gave me. Holocausts and sin-offerings you do not require; so I said, "Here I am; your commands for me are written in the scroll. To do your will is my delight; my God, your law is in my heart!" Psalm 40:5-8
“Here I am, Lord.”
“To do your will is my delight.”
“We thank you for letting us stand in your presence and serve you.”
“Thy will be done.”
These are words that we pray all the time. Are we willing to go to the lengths that are required to make that happen?
“Here I am, Lord.” These are words which have been on the minds, in the hearts and on the lips of saints and sinners throughout Biblical history. In the Hebrew Bible, we heard these words from Isaac and Esau. From Jacob. From Moses in front of a burning bush. From Abraham before and after being asked to sacrifice his beloved son. From Samuel and Eli. From David. From the prophet Isaiah. From a young virgin named Mary when the angel appeared to her. From Ananias when asked to aid Saul of Tarsus.
Here I am. Words that are now on our lips as we pray Psalm 40 in today’s Mass.
Lord, we are waiting for you just as you are waiting for us…guests invited to your wedding feast but pre-occupied with other attractions. A re-run of NCIS here. District 19 in the theatres. Another day at the office. Another traffic jam. Draw us out of our selfish pursuits and self-destructive behaviors. Set our feet upon the holy ground that you have cultivated for our personal and communal spiritual growth. Put your song of praise on my mind, on my lips and in my heart.
Here I am, Lord. Help me to turn my back on seeking happiness and security in this world from Jack Daniels or Jim Beam. From Ipod or Izod. From the NFL and the NBA. From the golf course or the baseball diamond. From the stock markets or the savings bond.
Here I am, Lord. Send the Holy Spirit to inspire change – a change in the direction in which I am looking for happiness. Revive me from sleep walking through life to live once again reconnected to you and your presence. Nothing in this world is a shadow of your wonders. Open my ears and eyes to your word and works.
LORD, do not withhold your compassion from us; may your enduring friendship protect and defend me from all that keeps me from you because all around me are countless temptations.
Get me away from them. Rescue me! Come quickly to help me, LORD!
Please foil all the people and organizations which seek to steer my life away from you. Take from me Father all that keeps me from you. Give to me, Jesus, all that leads me to you. Set me free, Holy Spirit, that I might dedicate my life to you.
In the end, there is nothing more that any of us can do than our best. I am here, Lord. I am doing my best, trying to discern your will, trying to uphold your will, and please you. Here I am Lord.