No a person must choose, for in this way God retains his honor while at the same time has a fatherly concern for humankind. Though God has lowered himself to being that which can be chosen, yet each person must on his part choose.
The “favoring hand of God” is not passing out comfort. If you thought that was the case, the readings today will wake you up faster than a bucket of ice water dumped in your warm bed.
Nehemiah was an important official in the household of the king. However, he offered to give up his favored position in order to be given the “opportunity” to help rebuild
In the Good News, we encounter disciples who do not share the spirit of Nehemiah. They are not willing to let go of everything and follow Jesus. Jesus demands that they drop everything and follow him. Disciples have to be as willing as Nehemiah to give up their obligations and privileges and choose the path of God. What we hear from Jesus brings up the serious and unconditional nature of Christian discipleship. Even family ties and works of mercy like burying one's parents, cannot distract one no matter how briefly from proclaiming the
Following Jesus does not mean staying in the finest hotels, traveling first class, or eating at the best restaurants. Instead, Jesus is up front with the facts and the discomfort that we will share in this journey. “The Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head.” We will not even have the kind of creature comforts enjoyed by…well…creatures.
As Kierkegaard reminds us about the tyranny of this choice, “In the end, failure to decide prevents one from doing what is good. It keeps us from doing that great thing to which each of us is bound by virtue of the eternal.”
Choose. Consider some of the choices that you are facing. Which choice will lead you down the path God is clearing? What do you need to do to make that your decision?