April 15, 2010
Thursday of the Second Week of Easter
But Peter and the apostles said in reply, “We must obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29
For the one whom God sent speaks the words of God. He does not ration his gift of the Spirit. The Father loves the Son and has given everything over to him. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. John 3:34-36
A New Society
To be radically right is to go to the roots by fostering a society based on creed, systematic unselfishness and gentle personalism.
To foster a society based on creed instead of greed, on systematic unselfishness instead of systematic selfishness, on gentle personalism instead of rugged individualism, is to create a new society within the shell of the old.
Peter Maurin, Easy Essays
How do you decide what to give as a gift? Do you assess what the intended recipient gave to you on your last birthday? Or what the person gave to your children?
How do you decide how much to give to a specific charity or cause? What is stopping you from adding another zero before that decimal point? If you have already determined that a charity is worthy of your support, would it not be even more grateful for $250 rather than just $25, or $500 rather than $50?
How do you behave in a group when something really, really good occurs? Like when the New Orleans Saints win the Super Bowl or when your child was born or when your first book is published or when you passed your comprehensive exams in college or graduate school. Do you want to run around and give everyone in the group a “high five?” Do you want to post a proud message on Facebook? Or do you hold back, not wanting to let everyone know how you might wear your emotions on your sleeve.
Today, John teaches us that the Lord holds nothing back. He puts everything out there for us until the last drops of blood and water drain from his side. He leaves everything on the cross and asks us to believe. “He does not ration his gifts.”
At our retreat last weekend, Fr. Bill Shaheen asked, “How do we begin to live the Incarnation?” Maybe it is consenting to not holding back. Adding that extra zero before you put the check in the mail. Giving a gift as if it is your last.
Jesus came to us and gave away being God to live fully human. If salvation history played out based upon the human side of Jesus, maybe things would have been different. In the Garden, the human Jesus prayed for the cup to pass him by. But He finally consented to give everything back to God. “Into your hands, I commend my spirit.”
This weekend, we have the opportunity to give everything back to God when we offer support to the men who are attending the 120th Men’s Cursillo in the Diocese of Arlington, VA at Missionhurst through Sunday afternoon.
From http://arlingtoncursillo.org/CursillosSubweb/m120/m120.aspx, you can link to the Palanca clock where there are still openings, find the list of candidates, the time of Mañanita, and information on closing Sunday afternoon at St. John the Beloved in McLean.