Sunday, July 15, 2018

“So They Went Off” by Phil Russell

“So They Went Off” by Phil Russell

In him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and have believed in him, were sealed with the promised holy Spirit, which is the first installment of our inheritance toward redemption as God’s possession, to the praise of his glory. Ephesians 1:10

“He instructed them........So they went off and preached repentance.” Mark 6:7-13

“The Lord took me from following the flock, and said to me, Go prophesy to my people Israel.” Amos 7:12-15

So here we are
(it’s NO ordinary time!)....... it’s Summertime and each week’s “First Reading” we are hearing the Lord God, calling the simple person to “GO” and do “His” bidding, if you will. We are each called by the very nature of our Baptism to the same task; each of us “anointed Prophet, Priest, and King.”


God was not calling these to “Go and tell the future”; He was calling them to “GO” and speak TRUTH on HIS behalf. Why would this day in the “Year of Our Lord 2018“ be any different?

Aren’t we, also members of that very “school of prophets”: Called to speak TRUTH?

And none of them, including Jesus, himself in that very same role was any more accepted by those to whom he was sent.

So, do we “cower”, when we know that we have that internal “unction to function” on the Lord’s behalf?

Jesus sent them out “two by two” ..... gotta believe that that was part of a Divine part of the plan.. I, personally, have to believe that being grounded in Group Reunion helps to better me for that role and task of, evangelizing “the Environment”. It’s part of the Gospel mandate, not just a “Cursillo” exercise.
“GO”...Jesus says!

Just a word about Paul, I saw the Movie “Paul Apostle of Christ” earlier this Spring. I watched it at one of the most difficult times of my life to date. Just weeks after my son’s death. I was stunned by the movie’s last scene when Paul hands Luke a rolled up piece of parchment. On it is his words to Timothy. He says, “ I have fought the good fight......”. I had selected that as the second reading for Michael’s Mass. I want it for my own, one day. I have since learned that it is not “our job” to fight and win the race, but it is in our very own dependency on relying on “FAITH” the Gift of God that we run that very race. It is the Faith, thanks be to God....... that brings us to the Finish!

In Saint Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, he begins with this long thanksgiving to the Trinity. In his time as was the Greek style of letter writing; the greeting was usually followed by a thanksgiving and a wish for the health of the recipient. Paul’s letter have lengthened the thanksgiving to address the “FAITH” of the reader. He is thanking God and praising Him for the benefits that are conferred on “US” in Christ Jesus. Therefore...........

STUDY & ACTION: take time to read this Letter again. Try it in “Lectio Divina” fashion. 

Pray it as if you were receiving this Letter yourself for the first time, (Ordinary Time)!

This Word is living! “First you gotta read it, then you gotta heed it, you never know when you’re gonna need it.” ..... as the song from Godspell goes.

Paul is speaking to us today!

Amos is speaking to us today!

The Spirit is speaking to us today!

Jesus is speaking to us today..........”GO, prophesy to my people!” (Study your environment.)

Christ is Counting on You!

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