Sunday, May 05, 2019

"Rabbi, when did you get here?"

"Rabbi, when did you get here?"

All those who sat in the Sanhedrin looked intently at him and saw that his face was like the face of an angel.  Acts 6:15

"Rabbi, when did you get here?" John 6:25

The members of the Sanhedrin are up to the same tricks and tactics that they used to try to entrap Jesus – even to the point of using false witnesses.  Getting witnesses to lie is a tactic as old as Cain and Abel and the tale of Susannah (falsely accused in the Hebrew Bible).  It never ends well for the deceivers. 
The charges that Stephen depreciated the importance of the temple and the Mosaic law and elevated Jesus to a stature above Moses (Acts 6:13–14) were in fact true. Before the Sanhedrin, no defense against them was possible. With Stephen, who thus perceived the fuller implications of the teachings of Jesus, the differences between Judaism and Christianity began to appear. Luke’s account of Stephen’s martyrdom and its aftermath shows how the major impetus behind the Christian movement passed from Jerusalem, where the temple and law prevailed, to Antioch in Syria, where these influences were less pressing.[i] (emphasis added)

Stephen and the history told in the Acts of the Apostles is the history of the beginning of the Church (aka The Way).  Just looking at his countenance, the Sanhedrin knew something different was happening here. 

Jesus lived among us to affect that break.  No longer did the Lord ask people to obey laws etched in stone tablets.  The Lord sought obedience of a higher order. He acted subtlety – so quietly in fact that people did not sense that the world around them was changing.

There was no earthquake that night in Bethlehem.  Just the faint cries of a baby coming into the world. He worked quietly and miraculously until people started following him. Then, all of a sudden, they realized that something different was happening. The simple act of eating from a few blessed loaves and dried fish –- an everyday occurrence for most Jews -- planted the seed of change.

Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in the one he sent.” (6:29) The serenity of belief and obedience is what the Sanhedrin saw in the face of Stephen.

Look around…what signs of belief and obedience do you think people can recognize in your life?  When did Rabbi Jesus appear in your life?  What signs can you show? 

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