Thursday, January 16, 2020

“Give grace, Lord, to want what you want“

“Give grace, Lord, to want what you want“ By Beth DeCristofaro

Let us fetch the ark of the LORD from Shiloh that it may go into battle among us and save us from the grasp of our enemies.  (1 Samuel 4:3)

A leper came to him and kneeling down begged him and said, “If you wish, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched the leper, and said to him, “I do will it. Be made clean.” (Mark 1:40-41)

God, give me the courage and the grace to know what you want and to want what you want.  Fill me that in my piety, study and action I offer to you all glory in gratitude.

Such a simple request.  “if you wish you can make me clean”.  And such a humble, hopeful waiting.  Perhaps this leper’s piety study and action is a model for me today.

The leper studied the young rabbi who healed, and engaged people with deep empathy, achieving miraculous results.  His piety is simple:  I will ask and I will receive what is given to me.  What a beautiful prayer.  He then acted against cultural norms to approach Jesus with his request.  So simple, so elegant in fact, for a man who was most decidedly in physical as well as psychological pain. 

When I read today’s Gospel Alleluia verse (Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom and cured every disease among the people.) my first reaction was “Of course we know he did not cure every disease.  There were many there who could not get to Jesus for healing.”  On reflecting on this leper and the warring forces from I Samuel however, I believe that Jesus did cure every disease but it is my limited sight and knowledge which does not see it. The army of the Israelites did not win their battle, but the healing of the Chosen People was already in progress as God brought first Samuel then other prophets to put them back onto the road of wholeness in their God.  Jesus established his Church in order to reach those who never saw him in person, able to touch his hem or kneel before him in supplication. Jesus heals me today in many ways when I seek to know and do his will, then sends me out to heal my neighbor.

In what ways do I resist wanting to know and do God’s will – perhaps presenting my will to God instead?  What causes this?  Fear? Pride? Arrogance? Doubt in God’s true love for me?  Reread this Gospel putting yourself into the place of the leper.  Ask for strength in faith.  Ask for God’s wish for you.

(Title from an Ignatian Prayer)

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