Sunday, March 15, 2020

“Knee Deep in Water and Dying of Thirst” by Wayne Miller

“Knee Deep in Water and Dying of Thirst” by Wayne Miller

Give us water, so that we may drink. The Lord answered Moses, “Go over there in front of the people, along with some of the elders of Israel, holding in your hand, as you go, the staff with which you struck the river. I will be standing there in front of you on the rock in Horeb. Exodus 17:5-6

Oh, that today you would hear his voice: “Harden not your hearts…” Psalm 95:7b-8a

The love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. …hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us…” Romans 5:1-2, 5-8

Lord, you are truly the Savior of the world; give me living water, that I may never thirst again. John 4:42, 15

You’re writing a gospel, a chapter each day,
By the deeds that you do and the words that you say.
Men read your gospel, whether faithless or true.
Say, what is the gospel, according to you?
        John Gilbert

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, notwithstanding the turmoil of COVID 19, this has been a most blessed season for me. I feel compelled to share some of my “BFO’s” (Blinding Flashes of the Obvious) with you to set the stage for my reflection on the Woman at the Well. I’m trusting in your patience and acceptance of this attempt to share the Love of Our Lord that is welling up in me.

“The Path to Holiness is in & through our everyday life, tasks, and duties!”
Not just in prayer.
Not just in suffering.
Not just in adoration or liturgy.
Not just in silence/contemplation.
But also, in rest, joy, fun.
In everyday movement, daily commute, bus stop, slug line, I-95,
Not just in work, but in every person & event & task we meet and do every day.

God is in ALL OUR STUFF – Wild Goose Ministry comment 3/4/20

What is “Holiness”? Living in the flow of God’s Love that moves in and around and through us every moment of our life – BFO 3/7/20

“The Holy Spirit writes gospels with our lives.  Living in Holiness, we are the Paper. Our life-loving, suffering, breathing – is the Ink.  The Holy Spirit is the Pen writing our living gospel!”[i]

What is “GOSPEL”? It is “GOOD NEWS.” What is the “Good News”?

First, the Kingdom of Heaven is here & now because God is HERE & NOW & With us & In us. 

Secondly, He gave us Free Will to live in this world any way we choose. 

If we choose to see our world as drab and dirty and threatening, something that must be conquered and survived by our effort, we are freely allowed to live that way. We can grasp as much joy, sorrow, suffering, success, and failure as we can.

If we choose to accept & act with the living presence of the TRIUNE GOD in our hearts, flowing in and out, and around us, we will see vibrant colors, beautiful vistas, and loving spirits surrounding us.  We will know in every moment that we are not alone – even in our most solitary situations.  Why? Because our three Best Friends (Abba/Dad, Jesus/Brother, & Their Love/Spirit) will fill our hearts, heads, vision, and hearing, continually encouraging, consoling, forgiving, accepting, & comforting. 

We are free to choose which way to live.  We don’t – can’t – earn it.  It was God’s Plan for all eternity.  He came to Earth to teach us in a real, human way to live in relationship with Him.

He gave us His Spirit so we can remember how to choose His love & joy & security every day.  And His Spirit gives us the courage and encouragement to turn back to Him when we wander off to the other side.

What does all this have to do with the Woman at the Well?

She went to the Well every day – it was an integral part of her life – and Jesus was there in her ordinary life, just as He is with us every day. But until she was ready and willing to listen to Him, He could do nothing for her.  Jesus did not immediately sign her up for catechism class.  He did not take some of the water from the Well to sprinkle on her.  Jesus merely helped her know that He knew her.  Jesus accepted her.  Jesus forgave her.  He wanted, with all His Heart, for her to follow Him!

Then, in a perfect expression of His Great Commission, she went to her friends and neighbors and did all she could to encourage them to come and meet Jesus. And they came, out of curiosity at first for the change that had come over her. But they soon heard the Lord speaking to their hearts, hearing Him in precisely the way that they could understand, and they experienced metanoia. And Jesus agreed to stay and offer them a “short course in His Way.”

We never hear of the Woman at the Well again, but I believe she is our spiritual grandmother – she’s the first BABE CHICK! (My apologies to Mimi Fitzgerald) The Woman of Sychar called her friends and then became their true and faithful friend, and introduced her friends to Jesus!

Wow! What a concept! Sounds like a great mantra for a new way of life after a Short Course in Christianity?!

How many people do you know who are standing knee-deep in water dying of thirst? Our Father fills us with a constant supply of the sweet water of His Triune Grace. Let us go, therefore, and Love disciples from all nations!

See you at Mañanita! Share your water!

De Colores!

[i]  Jean Pierre de Caussade, Jesuit, 1675-1751, from “Abandonment to Divine Providence,” letters collected and published after his death. – loosely translated & interpreted 3/9/20

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