Tuesday, June 09, 2020

"Shine" By Melanie Rigney

"Shine" By Melanie Rigney

Lord, let your face shine on us. (Psalm 4:7a)

“Just so, your light must shine before others, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” (Matthew 5:16)

There’s a light in the depths
Of your darkness
There’s a calm at the eye
Of every storm.
There’s a light in the depths
Of your darkness.
Let it shine
Oh, let it shine
(“There’s a Place in the World for a Gambler” by Dan Fogelberg)

It was a miracle, really, the way the widow’s bit of flour and oil never went empty, even after a year. She had been quite prepared for her and her son to die of starvation, then Elijah came on the scene. The widow could have turned out Elijah when he talked about God’s prophecy. But she didn’t. Elijah could have assumed it was another widow with whom he was to connect. But he didn’t. And so, that light he brought to the little home in Zarephath shone brighter and brighter as the truth in his words was borne out.

Light. The world never seems to have enough of it. Succumbing to the darkness takes so much less effort than looking for light, let alone following it. Like the widow, we unconsciously prepare to die of starvation. We see ourselves helpless and hopeless against the challenges of the world. But when we believe that, we diminish ourselves and God.

Light. It comes in quiet ways sometimes, the gentle urging that you join friends in an online prayer group, the unplanned donation you make to a charity just because the restraint in not returning fire for fire on social media.

Light. When you let it shine, it’s a miracle, really.

Shine His light today in a way you didn’t yesterday.

Photo:  https://pixabay.com/photos/milky-way-universe-person-stars-1023340/

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