Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I Will Not Leave You June 21


God, source of all creation, everything we do you knew before it happens. We know that you have already blessed the team for the Women’s 122nd Cursillo many, many times. Clearly you have blessed them abundantly with candidates and a beautiful setting.

Bless this team in its final preparation and help them to do your work now and always, through your Son, our friend, the Lord Jesus Christ. We ask that you continue this work of beauty over the next three days, from Quiet Night in the mountains through a closing filled with the love of your spirit.

Jesus, grant your friendship this weekend to the 122nd Women’s Cursillo. May the team reach out in your spirit and be examples of your friendship. Help them to enlighten the candidates at the Village of Mount Zion like you illuminate the world. Keep the eyes and ears and heart of the candidates open to your friendship and grant them their every prayer, before they even ask you. Amen.


“I will not leave you.”

Cursillo thrives on the kind of Piety that would make Matthew proud.

As the team and candidates departed from family and friends to climb this mountain of a weekend for the Lord, there are many people that they left behind.

Like the Lord, though, they still dwell in the hearts and minds of spouses, children, siblings, parents, friends and all who rely upon these wonderful women.

On the weekend, there will be many times that prayer partners leave the physical room where talks are given in order to prayer in support of a team member giving a talk at that moment.

Plus, people across the land will be offering Palanca for the weekend in quiet and thoughtful ways.


Pray quietly in support of the 122nd Cursillo.

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