Saturday, July 21, 2007

In the Presence of the Lord

by Rev. Joe McCloskey, S.J.

He waited on them under the tree while they ate. Genesis 18:8

Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her. Luke 10 (41-42)


But the silence in the mind

is when we live best, within

listening distance of the silence

we call God. This the deep

calling to deep of the psalmwriter,

the bottomless ocean

we launch the armada of

our thoughts on, never arriving.

It is a presence then,

whose margins are our margins;

that calls us out over our

own fathoms. What to do

but draw a little nearer to

such ubiquity by remaining still?

R.S. Thomas


Hospitality reflects a glowing Christ life within. Abraham welcomes guests and God rewards Abraham and Sarah with a child. Putting ourselves out for the sake of others, going to big efforts to take care of the needs of those around us, fill up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, the church. Whatever we do for the least one, Christ takes us done for him. Thus we present everyone perfect in Christ. The mystery hidden for ages has a peek-a-boo through the needs of our generation.

There is a Martha and a Mary in everyone. It takes a gracious host to anticipate the coming of a guest in such a way that we are present to the guest in every eventuality. It is a rare host that is always ready. We leave so much to the last minute that we are frequently caught unaware of the actual coming of our guest. That Christ comes in every guest is the Resurrection grace. Christ is the stranger coming into our lives unexpectedly. The knock on the door, even when Christ is expected, we are never really ready for. We do so many things that are unnecessary. Christ could well be saying to us that we are anxious and worried about many things.


There is need of only one thing. That we stand down from our work every now and then to be presents to the Christ who loves us in every moment of our lives. We are called to be his and he is forever knocking on the doors of our heart. Our heart’s door is only knocked on the inside. We let Christ out to our guests by being present to them. Like Mary of the Gospel of today, we need to choose the better part. We need to live in the presence of the Lord. Only in our foolishness do we tell the Lord when to come. Now is the acceptable moment to welcome the Lord in each other.

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