January 4, 2009
Epiphany of the Lord
Rise up in splendor! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the peoples; But upon you the LORD shines, and over you appears his glory. Isaiah 60:1-2
And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was. They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Matthew 2:9b-11
Show Me Your Face, O God / Psalm 61
At land’s end, end of tether
where the sea turns in sleep
ponderous, menacing
and my spirit fails and runs
landward, seaward, askelter
I pray you
make new
this hireling heart
turn your face to me
winged, majestic, angelic
a tide
my prayer goest up –
show me your face, O God!
-- Daniel Berrigan, SJ (From Hearts on Fire: Praying with Jesuits, edited by Michael Harter, SJ)
Epiphany is the great “A-Ha!” moment for Christians. The “magi from the east” had their great “A-Ha!” moment in the house in
Revealed. What had been promised and concealed for generations is now open and exposed. Angels have announced the Good News. Jesus, God-made-man is now living among the people even though they may not know it or recognize it. Special messengers have been chosen to see the face of God and then to spread the word. Once the Christ child was revealed to them, they helped spread the news to others.
Remain. Even though God becomes human in the person of Jesus, God remains in Him. The Spirit guides him. He wants to dwell among us and remain with us. He wants to hang out with us like friends. He will wait while we attend to other business. But now that Jesus is here, he will not leave. Even when we try to kill him, he stays behind in the figure of the Holy Spirit. So despite the Passion story which we know will unfold, through the gift and power of the Holy Spirit, that which has been revealed remains. It can never be taken away or hidden again. Nothing we do can change that. We can ignore it but it remains. We can feel like it has abandoned us but it remains.
The Moment. The Mountaintop Experience. Moses had a burning bush. Peter, James and John had the transfiguration.
When and where was your great “A-Ha!” Moment when you realized that Jesus’ friendship was revealed to you and remains with you? Was it on your Cursillo weekend? Was it when you were holding your newborn child in the delivery room at a hospital? Was it when you were volunteering to help those less fortunate? Was it when you stepped onto holy ground at a famous church or shrine? Did it happen when you were visiting a patient who was sick? Was it when you were driving down the road listening to your car radio? Was it when you woke up today? Or will it be when you put your head on the pillow tonight and thank God for the gift of another day?
We never know when the Moment will sneak up on us. However, if we stay aware of the presence of God in our daily lives, then through these Sacraments of the Present Moment, we can relive what has been revealed to us and remains with us. Everyday can be and Easter. Every day can be an Epiphany. Remember to keep track of your moments closest to Christ this week and share it with your Group Reunion.
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