Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Be an Example of Virtue

By Beth DeCristofaro

(Eleazar said) I am not only enduring terrible pain in my body from this scourging, but also suffering it with joy in my soul because of my devotion to him.”  This is how he died, leaving in his death a model of courage and an unforgettable example of virtue not only for the young but for the whole nation. (2 Maccabees 6:30)

Jesus looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house.”  And he came down quickly and received him with joy.  When they saw this, they began to grumble, saying, “He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner.”   (Luke 19:7)

Jesus, help me to clean my sinful house.  Grant me faith to climb any tree you offer so that I might see you better.  Fill me with courage that I might choose devotion to you over expedience, convenience or comfort.  Lord, uphold me in all my days.

I wonder if, when “they” saw Jesus going with humankind, as a newborn babe, born in a manger, they wondered that “He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner.”   Now I don’t mean to be glib or dismissive, but isn’t that what the Son of God did?  And thank you, God, for doing so.  God so loved the world that he came to us, sinners all.

But there are certainly moments when I ask that same kind of judgmental and very, very small minded question about others.  Eleazar made a sacrifice that in some ways I do not understand but he was motivated by his devotion to the Law.  I can’t imagine making the same decision – but, more importantly, I, at times, do not even speak or act as if I am motivated by the Word.

As we approach Advent, these readings offer me an opportunity to look again at myself (even with plank in eye) and dedicate myself again to Loving God above all else and Loving others as myself. 

The psalm for today speaks of being surrounded by enemies but counting on the Lord to “uphold me.”   What “enemies” reside within me that cause me to see the sins of others but not my own?  And, importantly, what “enemies” prompt me to see the sins of others and therefore disrespect, mistreat or dismiss them instead of loving?  Ask God for assistance to identify and overcome these enemies. 

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