Saturday, January 25, 2014

Every Creature

“I asked, ‘What shall I do, sir?’ The Lord answered me, ‘Get up and go into Damascus, and there you will be told about everything appointed for you to do.’  Since I could see nothing because of the brightness of that light, I was led by hand by my companions and entered Damascus.”  Acts 22:10-11

“Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.”  Mark 16:15

We cannot merely pray to God to root out prejudice; 
For we already have eyes 
With which to see the good in all people 
If we would only use them rightly.
We cannot merely pray to God to end starvation; 
For we already have the resources 
With which to feed the entire world 
If we would only use them wisely.
Excerpts from “A Prayer for Social Action” by Jack Reimer

The disciples are commanded to proclaim the Gospel “to every creature.”  

Building off of yesterday’s message about ministering even to one’s enemy, we see in our first reading for today the story of the conversion of Saul.  Jesus speaks to BOTH Saul (an enemy and persecutor) and Anais (a disciple).  Jesus once again shows by example that the Lord is not asking us to do anything the he would not do himself.  He reveals truth to both his enemy and his friend.  Both are challenged to all themselves to be led by the Word into action.  Both obey.

Just think of the implications of this.  Ever fight with your siblings?  Have a disagreement with your neighbor over a fence line or their trash?  Ever disagree with the government or politicians.  The challenge of the Gospel of Love is to overcome or get past these kinds of disagreements and always side with Him.
In a society that wants to put everyone and everything into a box, the Good News defies boxes.  Jesus defies Blue states and Red states. 

Think of the story of two nuns in the news these days. Mother Patricia Mary, l.S.P. runs the Mullen Home for the Aged in Denver.  Her order, the Little Sisters of the Poor have been in the news fighting an unjust law.  The news cycle for the last three weeks have pitted the order of nuns against the Obama Administration.  The have allies from Fox News to the Becket Fund to Catholic University.  Yesterday, they prevailed in an intermediate victory not to comply with the unjust law. 

Now consider Sister Megan Rice, a nun with the Society of the Holy Child Jesus.  She too is fighting an unjust law but it is a much more lonely fight.  On July 28, 2012, Rice, at 82 years old, and two fellow activists (Michael R. Walli and Gregory I. Boertje-Obed) broke into the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, spray-painted antiwar slogans, and splashed blood on the outside of the heavily guarded Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility.  Then they waited for officials to arrest them.  A jury found them guilty and they face sentencing next week which could land them in jail for up to 30 years.

Both Mother Patricia and Sister Megan are challenged to be led by the hand in following the Gospel of Life.  Both obey.  Are you read to walk with both of them and support them in their nonviolent fights? 

They are proclaiming the Good News to every creature – be they instruments of the culture supporting abortion or a culture support construction of nuclear weapons.  Our challenge is to embrace a consistent ethic of life on all issues, not just the ones we or the media think are popular. 

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