Friday, May 18, 2018

Follow Me

Follow Me

And when he had said this, he said to him, "Follow me." John 25:19B

Gentle woman, quiet light
Morning star so strong and bright
Gentle mother, peaceful dove
Teach us wisdom, teach us love

You were chosen by the father
You were chosen for the son
You were chosen from all women
And for woman, a shining one

“Follow me.”

Perhaps we can call today’s words from Jesus the Last Commandment. While delivered to Peter, it also is delivered to each of us.

This invitation echoes the First Commandments that came from the lips of Jesus in John’s Gospel as he recruited the Apostles.  Remember, the fourth Gospel does not begin with a Nativity narrative but jumps right to the ministry of John the Baptist and the call of the disciples.  First, we read:   

Jesus turned and saw (Andrew and John, son of Zebedee) following him and said to them, “What are you looking for?” They said to him, “Rabbi” (which translated means Teacher), “where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come, and you will see.”  (John 1:38-39A

Immediately afterward, Jesus continues his recruiting drive (The next day he decided to go to Galilee, and he found Philip. And Jesus said to him, “Follow me.”)

Jesus was not here to be some kind of showman performing acts of wonder on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.  He was here to change those who encountered him throughout their lives.

We also can connect today’s scene with the first miracle that John related in his Gospel during the wedding at Cana. We all know the actual miracle of turning the water into wine. However, there is an important guidepost in that story and it is the extension of the initial invitation that Mary provides.

When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” [And] Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.”  His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.”  John 2:3-5

Our faith journey is a journey of invitation.  We do not set forth on some unknown path, not knowing what lies ahead. We may not know the specific perils but we know there are risks that expose us to dangers.

The Good News for us is that Jesus went first.  He did not call us to be scouts to see what would happen to him.  He did not ask us to taste the food to make sure it is not poisoned.  He took the first step and suffered the consequences.
What is left for us is the unanswered response. How do we respond to the invitations from the beginning to the end of the Good News?

Follow me. 

RSVP now and at the hour of your death.

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