Sunday, February 09, 2020

“Jesus Preached and Cured” by Rev. Paul Berghout (@FatherPB)

“Jesus Preached and Cured” by Rev. Paul Berghout (@FatherPB)

When the priests left the holy place, the cloud filled the temple of the LORD
so that the priests could no longer minister because of the cloud, since the LORD’s glory had filled the temple of the LORD. Then Solomon said, “The LORD intends to dwell in the dark cloud; I have truly built you a princely house, a dwelling where you may abide forever.” 1 Kings 8:10-11

Gospel Alleluia:  Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom and cured every disease among the people. Matthew 4:23

 As they were leaving the boat, people immediately recognized him. They scurried about the surrounding country and began to bring in the sick on mats to wherever they heard he was. Whatever villages or towns or countryside he entered, they laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged him that they might touch only the tassel on his cloak; and as many as touched it were healed. Mark 6:54-56

The late Pentecostal preacher David du Plessis was once approached by a Christian who complained that people don’t seem thirsty for the Lord these days. Without missing a beat, du Plessis replied, “It’s not that they are not thirsty enough. It’s that we are not salty enough!”

Sunday’s Gospel reminded us once again about the place that salt had in life and worship during the Hebrew Bible and in the New Testament. During this week, the Gospels from St. Mark continue with stories of Jesus healing, teaching, and challenging the authorities. As Jesus and his disciples step onshore, people scurry from all over to bring those in need of a cure.

Salt-cured meat or salted fish are preserved (or cured) with salt. Salting, either with dry salt or brine, was the standard method of preserving meat until the middle of the 20th century, becoming less popular after the advent of refrigeration. By preventing it from spoiling, the salt-cured also helped people avoid illness from meat that went bad.

Salt also had to be carefully stored to avoid going bad. Since moisture makes salt clump together, many people put rice in their salt shakers to absorb the moisture into the uncooked grains. However, much salt sold today has “anti-caking agents” in the salt that absorbs moisture or coats the salt to make it water-repellent. If you wish to avoid such chemicals, your brand of salt can only list one sole ingredient: “salt.”
As long as pure salt is kept dry, it will persist forever without changing its properties.

Purity is another of the Biblical meanings of salt. Nothing else added. Single-hearted for the Lord.

In Exodus 30:35, we hear that “seasoned with salt” make the sacrifice “pure and holy.” Here, salt has an explicit connotation of purity. Salt added virtue to the sacrifice by which Israel was strengthened and fortified in covenant fellowship with God. This meaning also is echoed by St. Paul when he says in Colossians 4:6: “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt.” That means wholesome, gracious speech.

Since salt points to sacrifice, self-denial and dying to self is part of being a disciple. Notice that salt is not for itself; it is a seasoning for food. Disciples are there not for themselves but for others.

“You are the salt of the earth,” Jesus tells his disciples.

Flavorless Christianity is living just like everybody else, taking birth control pills and having sex before marriage.

Married women in their child-bearing years, ask your husband to learn about one the highly effective natural family planning methods instead of risking your health and soul by oral contraceptives. See Genesis, chapter 38 and the Catholic Church teaching in Humanae Vitae, written by Pope St. Paul VI in 1968, to see brief but beautiful and clear instruction about God's plan for married love and the transmission of life.

Part of the metaphor of salt is worldwide evangelism. The influence of believers thus has eternal ramifications on others.
When your saltier, you can be sweet too!

Salt on chocolate makes the chocolate taste sweeter than without the added seasoning.

Like regular service for others, the AA Big Book says, “Our very lives, as ex-problem drinkers, depend upon our constant thought of others and how we may help meet their needs.”

Sunday’s First Reading says: Thus, says the LORD: Share your bread with the hungry, shelter the oppressed and the homeless; clothe the naked when you see them and do not turn your back on your own.

When the Israelites got home from exile in Babylon after 50 years, they found their towns and farms in a worse state than ever. They had to rebuild everything: farms, homes, businesses, cities, the temple. In rebuilding, they fell into injustice, oppression, and internal conflicts. The restoration stalled. When God’s people became a society based on compassion rather than oppression, justice rather than injustice, the renewal went forward.

Lastly, the salt which has lost its taste has more sand and earth than salt because that was the way people removed it from the mines and quarries – like blocks of salt mixed with lots of sand.

Salt cannot lose its taste, unless mixed with impurities of various kinds and moisture, dissolves what little salt there at the outset.

The Devil hates salt, as Father Montague explains:

"Salt never appeared at the witches' table [because] it is an emblem of eternity, [and so there was] the absence of salt at these infernal banquets. 'At these meals,' …' salt never appears.' (The History of Witchcraft, p. 145, Barnes and Noble Books).

As a Catholic sacramental, a priest or deacon can bless salt. It is normally mixed into holy water, but it does not have to be. In whichever form intended, salt is an instrument of grace to preserve one from the corruption of evil occurring as sin-sickness, demonic influence, or other evil manifestation.

At the start of the Prophet Elisha’s ministry, he is called on to purify the cursed water of Jericho. So Elisha used salt which cured the toxicity of the waters and also desalinated it so that once again, it could become potable.

Today we have toxic T.V., toxic people, toxic environments.

For salt to lose its taste means that it has become “unsavory.” Not so much a lack of intelligence as the perversion of a will turned away from God -- excluded from the kingdom.

The expressions “to be thrown out” and “to be trampled underfoot” mean judgment. The street was where people dumped tasteless salt. People would walk over it, which is expressive of contempt and scorn.

Keep salt in yourselves, and you will have peace with one another (Mark 9:49-50). Amen.

1 comment:

Fr Paul B. said...

Great editing Tony D