Monday, May 08, 2006

Eternal Life May 9


Jesus, for those times when we followed the adversary, send us your support.
Jesus, for those times we did not welcome you into our house, send us your hospitality.
Jesus, for those times when shared good times, send us more.
Jesus, for those times we did not welcome your Father and your Faith, send us your love and charity. Amen.


“…The disciples were first called Christians.” Acts 11:26

“My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand.” John 10:27-28

One Bread.
One Body.
One Lord.
One Father.
One Shepherd.
One Flock.
One people Jew and Gentile.
One Life.

We are one, holy catholic and apostolic church.

When do you think outsiders would have first called you Christian?

When you heard the voice of Jesus and followed Him?
When Jesus put you in the palm of His hand?
When Jesus told you his divine nature?

Today, Palm 87 tells us that, “My home is within you.” This harkens back to the beginning of John’s Gospel when the disciples, seeking out an encounter with Jesus find him welcoming them to walk with Him. How would you respond to such an invitation?

Funny how the Jews accused Christ of keeping them in suspense…in reality it is us who keep Christ in suspense. After we stumble, he is there waiting for us to forgive our sins.


To achieve unity, Jesus invited them to join Him. “Come and you will see where I dwell.” Will you be ready to follow? Will you give Jesus a place to stay?

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