Sunday, May 07, 2006

Who am I to Hinder God's Work May 8

Jesus, we encounter your life-giving work every time we open our eyes, our ears, our heart and our hands. Help us to advance your work without hindrance. Amen.


“[W]ho was I to be able to hinder God?” Acts 11:17

“I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.”
John 10:10

God’s work is life-giving creation drawing us in to closer relationship with God through Jesus, the prime example. Jesus went so far in deepening this relationship as to give His life both in the sense that His whole holy life was devoted to bringing people closer to God and, in addition, He was killed for that work.

Mary was the same…but different. Different in that Mary did not physically die. However, she gave up her former self and her former plans in order to accept Jesus and then nurture Him until the Messiah began his public ministry and service. Even then Mary did not abandon Jesus like the Apostles. Her love was there beyond the end as long as she still had breath and life. She was with Jesus at manager and at the foot of the cross and was in the Upper Room when the Holy Spirit was sent. Today, she continues to intercede on our behalf.

Who are we to get in the way of God’s work? Piety, study and action work together to show us the way to support that work.


What are you willing to take up or give up in order to allow God’s work into your life? The Good Shepherd is walking up ahead and calling our names. He wants us little lambs to follow. Ready…set…go!

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