Tuesday, July 30, 2019

“The Joy of Discovery” by Colleen O’Sullivan

“The Joy of Discovery” by Colleen O’Sullivan

As Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the commandments in his hands, he did not know that the skin of his face had become radiant while he conversed with the LORD. When Aaron, then, and the other children of Israel saw Moses and noticed how radiant the skin of his face had become, they were afraid to come near him. (Exodus 34:29-30)

Jesus said to his disciples: "The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it." (Matthew 13:44-46)

Lord, may you and your Kingdom be the treasure I desire.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola's Vision of Christ and God the Father at La Storta, Domenichino, c. 1622, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

We have three storylines today: Moses’ face-to-face meeting with God on Mount Sinai, the parables about the Kingdom of heaven, and our remembrance of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The details of each one are specific to that particular story, but the overall storyline is the same. When we truly encounter God, we are changed forever! We are filled with joy!

In today’s first reading, Moses goes up the mountain carrying the two stone tablets, otherwise looking like he always did. Reaching the top and being there at the moment God passes by, causes Moses to kneel and bow to the ground. He comes down from that close encounter with God a man very changed in appearance. His face has become so radiant, the people of Israel are afraid to get too close. They avert their eyes. I don’t know anything other than overwhelming awe mixed with great joy that could so cause a person’s face to radiate light like that. Encountering God truly can change a person.

In today’s Gospel reading, we have two very short parables about how a person changes when he or she discovers the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus says it’s like finding something of such worth that we will run out, sell everything we have and spend every last penny to buy it. I honestly can’t say I know too many people that on fire for the Kingdom of Heaven. There are plenty of people around us who would give their last penny and then someone else’s as well to purchase drugs, but the Kingdom of Heaven? I wish more people were that attracted to everything of God. Those people who are will quickly tell you it’s worth every cent and every minute of their time!

Today we also celebrate the feast day of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Born in 1491, he was the youngest member of a large, noble family in the Basque country of Spain. As a boy, he was sent to be a page in the household of the treasurer of Castile. As he grew older, Ignatius became enamored of the military life as well as catching the eyes of all the pretty, young women. Seriously wounded in battle against the French in 1521, he had to be carried back to his family home from Pamplona, where he spent a long convalescence. Ignatius was very vain as a young man and underwent surgery more than once on his leg to achieve the best-looking result. He got bored after a while and asked for a novel to pass the time. What he was given instead were two books, one on the life of the saints and one on the life of Christ. He didn’t know it, but he was about to encounter God! He spent his time alternately daydreaming about the day he could get back to his life impressing the ladies and imagining himself, on the other hand, doing great things for Christ. Gradually, he came to realize that either set of daydreams passed the hours pleasantly, but that the only good feelings that stuck with him were those associated with what he could accomplish for the Lord. He made up his mind that once he was recovered, he would renounce his former ways, and spend the rest of his life working for the Lord. So, here is our third example of the joy that can be ours from encountering the Lord. Today St. Ignatius of Loyola is best known for his Spiritual Exercises.

Spend some time today reflecting with Jesus on when you first met him and how that has influenced your life. Has that relationship taken you down any paths you otherwise might not have followed? Has it brought joy to your life?

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